Nurse Holly has pronounced me full! I’m done with my weekly escapades to Columbus until I meet with the surgical oncologist and plastic surgeon again on December 2nd. That means no more day-long coffee dates with my ride-along girlfriends, no more stops at the gluten-free but not glutton-free bakery, and no more Target. Ahhh…. Target. We’ve been such good friends. Are you sure you don’t want to come live in Athens?

On my last visit to Columbus, I found World Market. Ahh… World Market. Are you sure you don’t want to come live in Athens?

People spend a lifetime waiting for a sign. Please God, give me a sign. I got mine the moment I walked through the door (but was too cheap to buy it, so just took a picture to show you instead).

IMG_4197“Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.” Who is the brilliant person who put together those ten simple words? All I can say is, AMEN!

Cancer’s not part of a perfect life, but lots of wonderful things have come of it. Marriage only looks perfect until you try it, but I sure wouldn’t trade in my rusty version for a newer model. My work terrifies me most days, but it’s better than the alternative, which means not being able to work.

My car now has the job of sitting in the garage while my body takes on the task of healing. After the basketball season wraps up, I’ll go back to Columbus and have a “swap surgery”, appropriately named since they will swap the expander in my chest for a silicon implant and then lift the other breast to match. I could do it as early as February, but I really want my husband available for my every beck and call during recovery. I’m a nice wife like that.

And hey, let me know if you need me to pick up anything for you. I’ll be sure to stop at World Market again, because — did you catch this?– the sign next to my sign is all about the silver lining, my favorite color… I bet the sign next to that says, Life is good.