Author: nicole

Jessica Reed is the sort of woman who inspires me to become a better person. She’s a dietician, a mom of five kids, a community advocate and a marathon runner.

She’s also the sort of woman who will stand in my kitchen and teach me how to evenly brown ground beef without giggling at my ineptitude.

Jessica took on a major challenge ... Read More

I can’t believe we’re here. Last year at this time, I felt called to begin the New Year by renewing my mind.

I wanted to do that by memorizing short scriptures that would be my go-to mantras in times of trouble.

One year later, we’re at the end, Week 52.

I’ve learned some things about myself this year, like I’m terrible at memorizing.

On ... Read More

It’s our stories that build the color into our lives. Yes, there is often pain as they are being written, but without that pain we wouldn’t know real joy.

I want to spend this week and next sharing the story of a mom and her teenage son, and the beauty that unfolded when one act of kindness led to the next.

“My ... Read More

I’m like a Star Wars fan for kindness. If kindness were a movie, I would stand outside and sleep in a tent next to the theater just so I could suck in all the excitement.

Kindness is just the best.

It’s really fun when we find someone who shares our geeky passions, isn’t it?

I found my someone. Her name is Donna Cameron ... Read More

“Suppose for a moment that God began taking from us the many things for which we have failed to give thanks. Which of our limbs and faculties would be left? Would I still have my hands and my mind? And what about loved ones? If God were to take from me all those persons and things for which I have ... Read More

Are you done? Have you finished all the hustle and bustle that comes with creating the magic of the season? If so, good for you! (Now can you come to my house and help me?)

If not, take heart. Ironically, it’s in the midst of our craziest schedules that we are most blessed with the chance to show other people they ... Read More

Several years ago, when I was first beginning to write on the topic of kindness, I got a speaking request.

A group wanted me to come and talk about the health benefits of kindness. It seems this should have been right smack dab in my realm of knowledge, but it wasn’t. I knew what kindness had done for me, but I ... Read More

She’s not really going to do it, is she?

The woman in the BMW was edging closer and closer toward the front of my car.

Columbus, lunch hour, Christmas shopping chaos. It was complete gridlock and this woman was holding up 6 cars behind her as she insisted on sneaking between my car and the one in front of me in order ... Read More

My friend, Tania, has been going through a whirlwind year of transition. One year ago, she sold her dream house, the one she had designed, built and lovingly decorated eight years prior.

She and her husband felt a call on their lives to downsize. Even with two kids still in the house, they knew it was time to let go ... Read More

I never knew the radical effect kindness could have on a life until it had an effect on my life. Isn’t that the way it always goes? We can hear about something again and again, but until it becomes real for us, it’s simply not real.

I went from seeing the world through mostly grey colored glasses to suddenly finding a ... Read More