When I started writing this column, I was excited to hear from the people of Fargo-Moorhead. I had a hunch there were beautiful acts of kindness happening all around me, but I wasn’t quite sure how to find them. So, I put out a call for help. I asked readers to send me their stories of kindness, and I prayed. ... Read More

Tag: shesays
Learning from Mom’s Mistakes and Strengths
If I could change one thing about myself, I would be a better mom.
I never seem to have quite enough patience to ride the tide of mischief that is inevitable with three children. The laundry and the dishes always seem to call out the loudest just when my kids want to snuggle or tell me a story about their day.
I ... Read More
Choose a flood of kindness this spring
Sunshine! Warm (well, warmer) temperatures!
It’s amazing how my mood fluctuates with the weather forecast.
I have been sitting under a gray cloud for far too long, and it’s making me crabby. No amount of bottled Vitamin D can do what Mother Nature does. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time for an attitude adjustment. I need spring, and ... Read More
Kindness Takes on Viral Nature
Everyone makes the choices they make for a reason.
You work at your job because you either love it or you need to get paid. You commit random acts of kindness because you want to make the world a better place or you hope karma will pay you back.
I write this column for two reasons. One, I have a life mission ... Read More
‘High Five’ Can Make a Big Difference
I’ve spent a lot of time this past week thinking about how much I love Fargo.
Sure, it’s cold. And windy. And snowy. But the love that I have for Fargo lies in the heart of its people.
My work, gym, stores and church are all filled with people who greet me with sincere smiles. Even the people I don’t know seem ... Read More
Friends Build Bridge of Kindness
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you know calls for thoughtfulness, but you truly don’t know which act of kindness could even make a difference?
Last Saturday, I pulled the bright orange plastic bag off The Forum to see a headline announcing that a Duluth man had died in a plane crash.
As I was finalizing a grocery list ... Read More
Easter Shows Ultimate Act of Kindness
What would you die for? Is there anything or anyone on this earth that is that important to you?
I can go through a laundry list of things I’m grateful for, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, there are three people for whom I would give my life.
I would die for my children. I truly feel that way. I ... Read More
Lessons in Kindness Last a Lifetime
My kids spend so much time at school that I often feel like their teachers have a better idea of their strengths and interests than I do.
In an effort to extinguish my mom guilt, every day I ask my kids three questions that give me a pretty good idea of how the day went.
1. What was your “glad” today? (In ... Read More
School Shows Kindness with Hot Dish
There is an incredible movement of kindness happening at Fargo’s Ben Franklin Middle School. I don’t know the exact process of the evolution, but it seems to go something like this.
First, there was a principal named John Nelson who reminded the students every day of his personal philosophy: The school is a family, and everyone who sets foot in the ... Read More
Helping Those Without a Home Feel at Home
I am privileged. Every night I get to go to sleep in a soft bed, and every morning I get to wake up in a warm house.
I’m starting to understand that even though that is the normal for me, it is considered an incredible privilege by many in our community.
Several hundred people in the Fargo-Moorhead area rely on groups like ... Read More