Tag: kindness

It came out in the paper yesterday. It wasn’t really a shock, since I’m the one who wrote it. I thought I had better use my weekly column to tell people about the cancer diagnosis before they heard it somewhere else. It’s been a year since we moved away, but I still have so many friends in Fargo and I ... Read More

“You’ve done a lot of acts of kindness today, Mom.” I seriously cannot get anything past my 11-year old-daughter.

I had just hopped back in the car with a Diet Mountain Dew that I picked up at the gas station for a neighbor.

“What do you mean, Jo?” I honestly couldn’t think of any act of kindness I had done besides the ... Read More

I went a little off the rails last night. I started reading the enormous binder of information given to me at THE JAMES, and for the first time, I was forced to think about exactly what it means to have a breast removed. I saw pictures, I learned about the recovery time involved, I learned that no matter how ... Read More

If I were on a reality show right now I would be asking people to vote: Lumpectomy? or Mastectomy? Can’t you just picture to the promos? Nicole’s Breasts are Your Business! Cast your vote now!

Eh hem… since I am NOT on reality TV, it looks like I am on my own.

Saul and I met with the surgical oncologist today at ... Read More

I have information! Now I just need to figure out what to do with it…

The doctor tells me I have invasive lobular cancer. I always like to be known as special, so thankfully, that same doctor tells me the type of breast cancer I am carrying is pretty rare– found in only 14% of the cases.

It is positive for hormone ... Read More

“You’ve done a lot of acts of kindness today, Mom.” I seriously cannot get anything past my 11 year old daughter.

I had just hopped back in the car with a Diet Mountain Dew that I picked up at the gas station for a neighbor.

“What do you mean, Jo?” I honestly couldn’t think of any act of kindness I had done ... Read More

“No more homework! No more books! No more teachers’ dirty looks!” With apologies to all of my teacher friends out there, does anyone else remember singing this song on the last day of school?

I have very vivid memories of a warm, sunny day at Westside Elementary in Reedsburg, Wis. I don’t remember which grade I was in, but I do ... Read More

So I was just thinking of things this morning that I am grateful for and a sweet memory started walking across my mind.

About a week ago, just after we had told everyone I have cancer, I had 3 little boys sitting at my kitchen table. Marcus, Brody and my son, Charlie. All three are in third grade and all three ... Read More

There are two ways to live. One is as if nothing were a miracle. The other is as if everything were a miracle.

I’ve always been a miracle sort of girl. It’s like a game to me, to try and find God in all the details of my life. But all of a sudden, it’s seems less like a game and ... Read More

Saul and I are at THE JAMES. Don’t you just love that huge, imposing name? THE JAMES. It’s a cancer center in Columbus and based on the people around here who know about THE JAMES, this clinic has a lot of experience dealing with cancer.

I made the receptionist cry. She had the most beautiful smile and radiant spirit. So I ... Read More