Tag: kindness

I’m back. The suitcase is unpacked. The mail has been sorted and the gas tank is full so I can resume taxi driving duties for my children.

I was on a 14 day book tour from Fargo to LA. Okay, actually it was Fargo and LA, but since they were back-to-back, it sounds more fun to say Fargo to LA, ... Read More

People often ask me about maintaining their safety while pursuing a brave and kind life. How do we know if we’re supposed to give a homeless person money, or stop to help the car on the side of the road?

My answer might sound flippant, but I mean it sincerely: follow your heart. If your heart says “stop,” then stop. If ... Read More

Have you ever heard anyone say, “Oh yay! I get to go to the hospital!”

Other than the occasional pregnant lady, I doubt it.

I imagine, like me, you’re glad you have access to quality medical care, but hope you don’t have to use it very often.

However, many times we find the greatest kindness when we are physically or emotionally wounded and ... Read More

Are you on the treadmill? Do you wake up each day knowing there are more things to be done than could actually be accomplished? Does it feel like everyone needs a piece of you?

When I begin to feel that way, I know it’s time to close my eyes.

With my eyes closed and my body focused on deep breaths, I ... Read More

Have you ever had kindness show up just when you needed it?

If your answer if yes, when you’ve finished your morning coffee, please send me your story. That’s what this column is all about. We share stories of the kindness you’ve given and how it made you feel, or the times a kind act happened when you needed it the ... Read More

There is a brave mom in my town who is a warrior. She never would have considered herself a warrior, but when it comes to our kids, we can often find strength we don’t know we have.

This mom has a son who was hating school. Now I don’t mean hating, I mean HATING. He would get physically ill before ... Read More

Can you remember what you got for your seventh birthday? How about your eighth? Ninth?

Maybe there’s one special present that stands out, but for me, it’s all pretty fuzzy.

It’s not the big celebrations or occasions that I remember from my childhood. My brain chooses to hold onto things that are much more random.

For instance, I remember when I was about ... Read More

Did you have a good summer? People ask each other that question all the time, but this time, I hope you’ll take a moment to think about it.

What moments of your summer mattered? My guess is they were the ones that were filled with kindness.

When we show up in people’s lives and notice them and love on them, we take ... Read More

Life is often made in the margins.

Those are the little segments of time on our calendars we don’t have planned. They are the 15 minutes before we need to be out the door to our kid’s soccer practice, the 30 minutes before our next meeting or, in the case of the woman who sent in the following story, the hour ... Read More

You’ve been on my mind. I’ve been wondering what it is you’re hoping for, and I’ve been hoping you’re living like you’ve already gotten it.

Last June I entered a contest. It’s for writers. We submit a cover letter and a true story with the hopes of being chosen to attend a free conference this October where we learn the art ... Read More