Tag: kindness

There is something to be said about being in the right place at the right time. It feels fortuitous, almost like someone is watching out for us or that our interactions are predetermined.

But instead of hoping to be in the right place at the right time, I long to be more aware of my surroundings. I want to be attentive ... Read More

I spent last Friday afternoon in a women’s prison. I was there visiting someone I’ve started to think of as a friend. She’s the mom of a little boy I love.

Why she’s there probably isn’t important. Why are any of us where we are? Maybe we said “Yes” one too many times or our “No” came too late to count.

Anyway, ... Read More

I went to a conference earlier this month that was basically a two-day party for people who love kindness. Every night, a few folks would stand up and share a five-minute story about their favorite acts of kindness.

I wish I would have had the foresight to record their messages. I would have had enough material to fill this column for ... Read More

If it had rained one hot July day in 2011, I would not be writing this column.

If I had felt too tired by depression to take my kids to the city pool, I would not have a found my purpose.

If one teenage mom in a shiny gold bikini had been too proud to accept the money I offered, I would ... Read More

I am vehemently opposed to wearing white pants. Not for anyone else. Just for me.

I have all kinds of reasons: white pants are only for super skinny girls, I don’t have the right color underwear, I have to be careful where I sit. I can’t eat ketchup or salsa. The list is never-ending.

Guess what? A few weeks ago I ... Read More

I think two might be my favorite age. Not for my own kids, but for other people’s kids.

When my children were two, I was caught up in diapers and crushed Goldfish crackers and constant laundry duty. Now, as a mom of school-age kids, I can sit back and see how adorable other people’s toddlers are, because I don’t have to ... Read More

I talk a lot about my mom in my writing and presentations, but today, I’d like you to meet her.

Drumroll please…. Presenting, MY MOM!

My brother saved a little boy’s life once. The boy was swimming and got out too deep. No one saw him go under except my brother.

It happened more than 30 years ago and I’m certain my brother never even stops to think about what would have happened if he hadn’t been in that lake that day. Maybe time has also ... Read More

A letter came to my house the other day, but it wasn’t addressed to me. It was for a 12-year-old boy named Marcus.

No return address and stamped at a post office two states away. Hmmm.

“Hey, Marcus, you got some mail!” I yelled from my office.

“Me? Who’s it from?” he asked as he ambled into the room.

“No idea. Open it.”

As he ... Read More

You know what’s super fun? Putting a post on social media asking people to share their favorite kindness stories.

Try it sometime. It’s an immediate boost to your day and a great way to remember there are a lot of kind things happening quietly behind the scenes in our world.

Here are a few stories people have shared with me recently.

From Beth ... Read More