Tag: Ben

My son, Ben, mowed the lawn for the first time this weekend. He recently turned 12, has excess evening energy and his father was gone. In my mind, that makes him old enough to run power tools.

I was shocked by how well it went. We are too cheap to buy the type of mower that self-propels, ... Read More

I’m not above bribery.

This morning I woke up to find a note next to my computer:


When I wake up ask me about Psalm 23. I know it but I will forget to do it for you if you don’t remind me.”

I have three children, but the one who left this note didn’t need to sign it. He knows ... Read More

I walked past the green and red shoeboxes and my heart caught just a little bit. I was in the middle of Hobby Lobby and my senses were overwhelmed with plaid pillows, glittery ornaments and ceramic Santas. But it was the tidy stack of boxes that held my attention.

Those boxes are a connection to the precious innocence of my now-teenage ... Read More

Bravery is such a slippery concept. Sometimes we think we have tons of it, and then we face a chance to flex and instead we back down.

Other times we are sure we can’t possibly be brave enough to face a situation until we have to actually walk through it. And then we do.

I saw my kids exhibit such immense bravery ... Read More

I told you I was shutting down my blog this summer as my family moves from Ohio to South Dakota, but I just gotta share something. Then I’ll go dark again, I promise.

We are temporarily living in a college rental house. Think keg parties and red Solo cups. Come August, this grand house will get all the excitement she can ... Read More

I packed a bag lunch for my second grader this morning. Actually, he packed it for himself, but I stood guard making sure there was something other than sugar in his noontime meal. The last thing that kid needs right now is sugar. Ben is pumped so full of end-of-the-year adrenaline that I say a little prayer for his teacher ... Read More

“Mom, please don’t cheer for the Vikings.”

My seven-year-old son, Ben, was very matter of fact about his request.

In case you missed it, last night the Vikings won in an amazing last second play against the Saints.

Next week, the Vikings will play the Eagles.

Little Ben is a big Carson Wentz fan. Carson plays for the Eagles.

When the Vikings play the Eagles, ... Read More

My seven-year-old son crawled into the chair next to me yesterday morning. It was early, I was spending some time with God, but Ben decided he wanted to spend some time with me.

We sat there, the three of us (God, Ben and me), in one comfy little chair with a blanket tucked around us when Ben asked me a question.

Mom, ... Read More