Category: Be Brave

I am the person advertisers are targeting when they cast miniature horses and cute puppies in their ads. I should not be allowed to watch TV. I’m a total sucker. Don’t believe me? Ask me what I did over the Christmas break.

Dollywood. I threw my family in the car and drove 6+ hours to Dollywood.

It started late last Monday. I ... Read More

A woman I know just had hip replacement surgery and it’s really getting her down. She is healthy and sassy and spry and assumed she’d be in a bit of pain, but also assumed she’d be back to her old routine in no time. And she will be, but right now it doesn’t feel that way. Right now, she’s in ... Read More

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard the word, “Pedigree.” I think that’s a dog food, right? So it should never be used to describe me or my family. Right? Wrong. I’ll get to my personal pedigree in a moment, but first…

When I was a little girl, my dad would breed dogs. Since Golden Retrievers can pass down hereditary ... Read More

Have you ever opened your eyes on a Monday morning and thought, “Nah, I’m just gonna skip today.”? There’s nothing wrong with today, it just feels like it might take a lot of effort. Maybe I’ll have more energy to do Monday on Tuesday this week.

Like this blog. It’s 7am and I really have nothing to say. But I am ... Read More

Life sure is messy, isn’t it? We hurt ourselves, we hurt each other… sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. Have you ever noticed there seem to be two camps of thought when it comes to sin?

Either you mosey on over to stand with the group who shrugs and defensively argues: “Everybody else is doing it” and “You should see what that person ... Read More

There are things I say to myself that I would never say to another human being.

You want to write a book? Please. You’ll never come up with 60,000 words worth reading.

You’re going to the gym? Why bother? You’ll just come home and stuff your face with junk. You know you have no willpower.

Kindness lady? Ha. If people could only ... Read More

I may or may not have been scammed, and I may or may not care.

I was walking into the Dollar Tree the other day to help Santa with a little pre-Christmas elf work. Planted on the puddle-filled sidewalk about three feet from the door were two men who had set up a small stand. Sitting on their square folding table ... Read More

I’m putting the Open for Business sign back in the window. Two weeks ago, I left Internet Land in hopes of clearing out some of the negativity that was threatening to suffocate me. You know that boa constrictor song from music class? I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor… oh no, he swallowed my toe… oh gee, he’s up to ... Read More

If a Broadway show doesn’t have a performance, it’s said to be “dark.” Mondays are usually dark in order to give the actors a chance to recuperate — or perhaps go grocery shopping and pick up their dry cleaning, I’m not quite sure.

My blog posts and tweets are more of a horse-and-pony show than a Broadway musical, but I, too, ... Read More

Nurse Holly has pronounced me full! I’m done with my weekly escapades to Columbus until I meet with the surgical oncologist and plastic surgeon again on December 2nd. That means no more day-long coffee dates with my ride-along girlfriends, no more stops at the gluten-free but not glutton-free bakery, and no more Target. Ahhh…. Target. We’ve been such good ... Read More