Author: nicole

I have a secret.

I do not like talking to kids.

Don’t get me wrong, I love talking with kids, I just don’t like talking to them. Like from a stage. When they’re all sitting on the gym floor. Staring at me. Wiggling. Expecting me to pull a rabbit out of my hat or introduce a magic unicorn that farts rainbows.

Speaking to ... Read More

I was sitting in my mini-van when I had this huge idea over-take my heart. Go give her money.

“Her” was the young mom in the shiny gold bikini I had just met at our community pool. The “money” I was being told to give away was mine, and although I didn’t know exactly what I was going to spend it ... Read More

It’s the question that guides most of my parenting decisions: Am I teaching my kids to be kind? I don’t want them to be doormats or people who bend to the will of others even when it’s dangerous or unhealthy. But I do hope they find a good balance in life and lead with kindness whenever it’s possible.

The truth is, ... Read More

Have you felt miserable in your life? Ever wanted to make a u-turn on whatever road you were on and start again?

That’s what Leon did.

Leon Logothetis is my guest in this very first episode of The Kindness Podcast. He has an amazing Netflix series and he’s a rockstar in the world of kindness.

I’m crazy excited for ... Read More

There are situations in life that knock our socks off — and not in a good way.

We didn’t see the results of that biopsy coming…

We didn’t understand how far gone our children were until they were too far gone to reach…

We never imagined that a day that started out so normal could take such a tragic turn…

Sure. Some of it’s ... Read More

I got to spend the last week traveling around the state of Wisconsin talking about my favorite thing: kindness.

Unfortunately, going from small town to small town meant I had to do a lot of my least favorite thing: driving.

I was feeling too frugal to spend the extra $5 on cruise control for my rental car, so for eight days, I ... Read More

Big news! Athens, Ohio is kind!*

Wait… you already knew that?

Then join me during the first two weeks of October to prove it to others.

I’m launching a new podcast through WOUB Public Media called, “The Kindness Podcast.” In celebration of this event, I’ve teamed up with the Athens County Convention & Visitors Bureau and other area businesses to throw kindness around ... Read More

I used to think of praying like making a phone call.

“Dear God” was the same as “Hello, is Jesus there?”

“Amen” was the same as “Well okay, talk to you later. Bye!”

It was a set aside time each day when I would “call” Him up, chat for a few minutes and then move on with the rest of my life.

I thought ... Read More

Anytime is a good time for kindness, but receiving it is especially sweet when you feel like you’ve got nothing left to give.

Proud dad, Scott Wright, who lives near the Wisconsin/Iowa border, and his wife still remember one particular act of kindness that came when they needed it most.

“Rewind in time. It’s May 18, 2000. My wife is 27 weeks ... Read More

“Who wants $20?”

That was the question I posed last night to several hundred kids and their parents.

Hands shot up in the air.

The one hand that caught my eye didn’t belong to the first graders bouncing up and down in the front row. It belonged to a freshman in high school sitting off to the side.

There were a line of boys ... Read More