Author: nicole

This week’s Memory Verse is super easy to memorize and super difficult to live. Here it is:

“Always be joyful.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NLT)

Three simple words. Close your eyes and say it to yourself. See? You already have it memorized.

But how do we live it? And what does it really even mean?

When a child dies, are we supposed to be joyful? ... Read More

Wondering which Walmart store will be carrying Jordan’s Cozy for the Cure coffee cup sleeves? Here’s the list of nearly 1600 stores! Warning– it’s long and it’s listed by store number, alphabetically. Happy hunting and thank you so so so much for supporting Jordan’s mission to end breast cancer.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Only what if it wasn’t meant to be trash in the first place? Is it then called finders keepers? Not when kindness is involved.

A woman in Ohio named Jessica was doing a little de-cluttering when she mistakenly put her daughters’ savings bonds and some family photos into the recycling pile. She hadn’t even ... Read More

“I’m not proud of my daughter.” That’s a stupid title, right? Of course I’m proud of my daughter.

It’s just that when people say, “You must be proud” (which they say quite often right now thanks to Walmart carrying her product), I feel something else.

It’s not exactly pride. It’s something deeper. I feel… gratitude.

That’s it. Not pride. Gratitude.

In each 13-year-old girl’s ... Read More

Is there anybody in your life you’d be okay with God sort of “forgetting” to save?

It’s not like you intentionally wish ill-will on them (or maybe you do), it’s just that they have pulled one too many punches. They’ve hurt you or the one you love too many times to be forgiven.

Or maybe it’s a group of people. Child molesters. ... Read More

Once upon a time, this happened:

Cozys for the Cure are in some Walmart stores now (mainly in the southern states), but will be in many more stores in October. Look for them in the Housewares department. They are $1.97 and there are seven designs. Perfect for gift giving!



I was walking through Walmart the other day watching parents and their college students prepare for a new chapter in their lives. It occurred to me in the middle of the toothpaste aisle that it doesn’t matter if your kid is going into kindergarten or college, letting them go is hard.

We have to trust that the world will be good ... Read More

“Stress fatigue. Ever had it? Ever heard of it? Is it normal to want to sleep all the time?”

I was having coffee with a few precious women yesterday when one of them posed those questions.

The weight of the world can rest on the shoulders of a parent. When that parent is also holding down a job or caring for another ... Read More

My seven-year-old son crawled into the chair next to me yesterday morning. It was early, I was spending some time with God, but Ben decided he wanted to spend some time with me.

We sat there, the three of us (God, Ben and me), in one comfy little chair with a blanket tucked around us when Ben asked me a question.

Mom, ... Read More

When Mr. Rogers was a boy and terrible things would happen around the world, his mom would tell him to look for the helpers. Instead of focusing on the destruction, she encouraged him to look for the good — for those people who were moving forward in kindness.

Fred Rogers took that message with him into adulthood where he shared it ... Read More