Author: nicole

Words are meant to encourage, uplift and breathe life and light into this world. Sometimes our greatest act of kindness is to simply keep our mouth shut when we know nothing good is going to come out of it.

“And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.” -Matthew 12:36

“I am God’s favorite child… and so are you.” -Jo Satrang, in her Bible Study Fellowship teaching.

The great thing about God is that He doesn’t have to make sense. We can count on Him for WAY more than we could ever imagine, because He’s not held to the same human attributes that define us. Thank God for that!

Last night I got to meet the 92 year old woman who appointed herself as my children’s pen-pal. The letters she writes them about growing up in a one-room school house in rural North Dakota are priceless. We cherish every one… Please don’t ever think you are too old, too poor, or too anything to be led by kindness. Until ... Read More

It is my belief that when you bring the things that hurt you out into the open, you diminish Satan’s power to hold them over your head and keep you in bondage.

Pull those wounds from the deepest part of your soul, allow people to pray over them with you and then watch God renew you. It is truly amazing.

My conversation with my 3 year old son, Ben…

Me: Ben, what should I tell people this week to make them happy?

Ben: You should tell them that God loves them.

Me: Hmmm. Good idea.

There you go. Only the truth comes out of the mouths of babes. God loves you! Have a great week!

I am so thankful that God does not base His decision to be patient with me on my decision to be patient with others.

Sometimes these kindness stories fall into my lap, and sometimes I have to dig a little. The story this week is a combination of both. What I uncovered during my digging took an already great act of kindness (that had fallen into my lap) and turned it into a priceless conversation that left me with way more than I had ... Read More

Are you moving at a pace that allows you enough time to ask God for His input on every situation you encounter? He wants to help create your perfect life, not pick up the pieces after you’ve tried to do it all yourself.

You were created by God on purpose, so you were certainly created for a purpose.

“Let the Earth receive her King!”… I have heard that line in Joy to the World since I was a little girl. The importance and profoundness of those words has finally dawned on me. He is here… let’s make Him feel welcome.