Author: nicole

My husband, Saul, teases me about trying to save the world. He’s got it all wrong. I’m not trying to save the world, only my little part of it.

It is quite possible you will be spending time very soon with someone who brings out your worst. Ask God today to help you see him or her as He sees them: a beloved child of God.

Are you in the mood to give or to receive? It’s your lucky day! You get to do both!

“God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.” -Billy Graham

Sometimes God doesn’t rescue you. Sometimes He gives you the tools you need to rescue yourself.

I got stuck in a snowbank the other day. A man let me borrow his shovel, but didn’t do the work for me. I was actually glad, because when the job was done and my car was free, I felt a great sense of exhilaration ... Read More

God has many miracles in store for you today! Are you moving at a speed that will allow you to notice them?

When life gets too hectic, I unplug and disconnect. I figure it’s better to offend a few people by being unavailable than to feel so burdened I become someone God never intended me to be.

“While Jesus and his followers were traveling, he went into a town, and a woman named Martha let him stay at her house. She had a ... Read More

When people say things that annoy, discourage or upset me, I have to remind myself that we are more alike than we are different. I say things that are careless or even hurtful more times than I care to count, so I have to find the grace to brush it off if I expect people to offer me the same ... Read More

I imagine the elves are working feverishly to put the finishing touches on all of the toys that will find their way under trees by Christmas morning.

I never imagined I’d get to talk to one of them myself.

Perhaps Ken Pederson isn’t an actual elf, but he is certainly one of Santa’s special helpers. The Hawley, Minn., man has been making ... Read More

What’s the big deal with a name? A woman helping me at the grocery store yesterday, finished up by saying, “Is there anything else I can get you, Nicole?” I don’t know what it is, but when people use my name, it makes me feel special. Important almost. It’s amazing how the little things we do can add kindness to ... Read More