Tag: wives

Saul is a college basketball coach. He came home from practice the other night, and as usual, called out, “Hellooooo!” as he opened the door.

As usual, he dropped his work stuff on the floor and headed straight to the kitchen.

After he got some food in his belly, he returned to the couch, as usual, and opened his computer.

Once he got ... Read More

I was at a Weight Watchers meeting this morning. Don’t ask. The wheels fall off the bus pretty quickly when you live in a family who loves to celebrate track meets, baseball games and good grades with ice cream. Easter baskets don’t seem to help the problem either.

Anyway, I was sitting in the meeting listening to the celebrations and challenges ... Read More

A whole new language arises during the month of March in the house of a college basketball coach.

We use words like “seed” and “bracket” in daily conversation, but even more curious, in my house at least, is the way my husband begins to use the word, “March.”

In the midst of a tight game on TV, Saul will yell out things ... Read More

My husband has just won an award that has us doubled over in hysterics. Hold on a sec, I have to quit laughing. Okay, are you ready?

My husband, Saul Phillips, has been named the third sexiest mid-major coach of 2016! Need to see the documentation for yourself? I can’t blame you. Not everyone gets that kind of national ... Read More