Tag: thoughts

I love sharing stories of people going out of their way to help others. Or the ones where a person was having a bad day and kindness showed up just when they needed it.

There is so much goodness happening in the world; people reaching out through the anger and fear to remind others they are not alone.

But there is one ... Read More

We have a big calendar on the wall of our kitchen. On a normal April, it is filled. Every single day has something written on it. Baseball games, track practices, Mom’s speaking events, Dad’s recruiting trips — every day is spoken for.

When school was cancelled in March, my youngest son, Ben, took a marker and crossed everything out and wrote ... Read More

Have you ever had one of those nights where you’re almost asleep and your mind floats off and you’re sort of dreaming your way into blissful unconsciousness? Then all of a sudden those random thoughts form a real thought and BOOM! you’re wide awake?

I asked my daughter if that ever happens to her and she said she’s been known to ... Read More

Hey. I’ve missed you.

It’s been a whirlwind few months on my blogging sabbatical. Let’s see… I moved from Ohio to South Dakota, made 3 friends, filmed an episode of House Hunters (it airs in 6 months), signed up for a pole dancing class (I kid you not) and wrote a book (it’ll be out in the Fall of 2020).

Now ... Read More

Before my dad had a stroke, he loved verbally jousting. Politics and policies and people, my dad had an opinion and he enjoyed hearing what other people thought about those subjects too. It was like his own version of sudoko, it kept him mentally sharp.

One day, shortly after I had rediscovered a relationship with God, my dad hit me ... Read More

Sometimes my head spins. How about yours?

It’s not yet 9am and already I’ve worried whether my child has strep, how many mice might be living in my house, if I’m doing enough to support my friends, and how long my parents will live.

My head seems to be extra spinny these days. (And yes, according to auto-correct, I just made ... Read More

I was getting out of the shower the other morning when a sharp little pain shot through my right breast. For anyone keeping track, my right breast is the healthy one. It’s the left breast that was removed three years ago after a cancer diagnosis.

The towel caught my skin wrong and I flinched. My mind immediately filled with one ... Read More

What are you doing right this second?

Reading this, right? But really, where is your mind? Are you in the moment, engaged and thinking about each black and white word on the screen?

Or are you wandering?

Research tells us that people are not paying attention to what they’re doing 47% of the time.

Half the time we’re doing something we’re ... Read More

Have you ever stopped to think about what you’re thinking about? If not, I challenge you to check in with yourself periodically today and do a spot-check. What am I thinking about at this exact moment?

My guess is that it falls into one of three categories: Hurry, Worry or Jury.

Hurry is that do-list constantly running through our heads. As soon ... Read More

Have you ever thought, I’m almost there! Only to realize that you’ve still got so far to go?

I went to a waterpark recently. I’m a big believer in amusement parks with roller coasters. Waterslides, not so much.

My son, Charlie, is a fan of all things fast and tall, so I put on my three piece swimming suit (top, bottom and ... Read More