Tag: team

Saul is a college basketball coach. He came home from practice the other night, and as usual, called out, “Hellooooo!” as he opened the door.

As usual, he dropped his work stuff on the floor and headed straight to the kitchen.

After he got some food in his belly, he returned to the couch, as usual, and opened his computer.

Once he got ... Read More

It’s Monday, but I’m stuck in a time warp because I’m at a basketball tournament in Sioux Falls, SD. Basketball tournaments do that to me. I forget what day it is, what time I’m supposed to go to bed and what I should to eat to stay a human in reasonably good shape.

So it’s Monday and thanks to the diligence ... Read More

A year ago we were living in a home filled with uncertainty. My husband’s basketball season was coming to a close and we were unsure what the next few months would bring.

While we thought there would be two more years to build the team, we could hear faint voices yelling from the sidelines, “Off with his head!”

Social media is ... Read More