Tag: prayer

Hope. Someone here needs hope. So … here we go.

Ten years ago today I drank my last rum & coke. Ten years ago tomorrow I woke up sicker than a dog, feeling confused about what had happened the night before, but certain I had angered a whole lot of people. I was humiliated by my actions, ... Read More

Sometimes we get numb to certain words. Phrases like, “How are you?” or “I’m praying for you,” or “You’re in my thoughts,” should mean something, but oftentimes they are said so flippantly that they begin to lose their meaning.

Gretchen Robinson, from South Hill, Va., found the power of kindness that lives in those words during a recent health crisis.

“A couple ... Read More

What’s on your mind? Are you excited about the possibilities of this new year? Or are you feeling like you need fewer problems and more solutions?

I’ll be honest, I spent a good part of Christmas break seeing the world’s problems and trying (unsuccessfully) to be the solution.

The harder I tried to be the answer, the trickier the questions ... Read More

Have you ever had one of those nights where you’re almost asleep and your mind floats off and you’re sort of dreaming your way into blissful unconsciousness? Then all of a sudden those random thoughts form a real thought and BOOM! you’re wide awake?

I asked my daughter if that ever happens to her and she said she’s been known to ... Read More

What are you remembering this Memorial Day?

Are you remembering to take the potato salad to Aunt Lucy’s picnic?

Are you remembering the people who have fought for our freedom?

Are you remembering the person who took a huge piece of your heart when he or she died?

I’ve been living on the edge of uncertainty for several months now. My basketball coaching husband ... Read More

So there you are, staring at a door slammed solidly in your face. “When God closes a door, He opens a window!” your friends thoughtfully remind you.

That phrase is kind and helpful to remember, but something about it always sits wrong with me.

Why would God take away an entire door and then leave me with just a little ... Read More

Sometimes my head spins. How about yours?

It’s not yet 9am and already I’ve worried whether my child has strep, how many mice might be living in my house, if I’m doing enough to support my friends, and how long my parents will live.

My head seems to be extra spinny these days. (And yes, according to auto-correct, I just made ... Read More

I’ve often wondered if I was praying right. Is there one type of prayer that pleases God more than another?

As a young child, I learned we are to recite our prayers to God out loud, preferably on our knees. Then I found out I could pray to him quietly in my mind, which made my prayers a whole lot more ... Read More

I used to pray, “Please God, make me into the mom these kids deserve.” I had three young, healthy, exuberant kids. They were thriving despite the fact that their mom was floundering.

That was seven years ago.

Today, those kids are (almost) 8, 12 and 14.

God’s done a work in me that only God could do. If I ever doubted His existence, ... Read More

There are situations in life that knock our socks off — and not in a good way.

We didn’t see the results of that biopsy coming…

We didn’t understand how far gone our children were until they were too far gone to reach…

We never imagined that a day that started out so normal could take such a tragic turn…

Sure. Some of it’s ... Read More