Tag: pictures

How do you see yourself? Is the image you see in photos the same image you see in your mind?

Maybe you picture yourself being ten years younger, or ten pounds lighter, or ten shades less grey.

My friend, Andrea, sent me a photo from last week’s trip to San Diego. We were waiting for a yoga class when she looked at ... Read More

I never thought it would happen. Christmas pictures with Santa back where it all began!

Fifteen years ago, we were living in Fargo, ND with just one baby. Our daughter Jordan was 10 months old. It was her first time meeting Santa and she found him at West Acres Mall.

The following year, she brought along her newborn baby brother, ... Read More

Even if your life in general is going swimmingly, I would venture to guess you have things in your sphere that aren’t awesome.

My husband doesn’t have a job yet — not awesome.

My dog was sick as a dog this week — not awesome.

My creative juices are all dried up (with three big presentations on the horizon) — not awesome.

Can you ... Read More

Ugh. I did it again. Twice.

Yesterday was the first day of school. My daughter started 7th grade, which in Athens, means going to the middle school. My boys are in 5th and 1st, still at the elementary.

Two schools means two separate drop off times. Two chances to get back-to-school pictures of at least one of my kids.

Or not.

Jordan had shut ... Read More

My days seem to fly past so quickly that by the time I lay my head down at night I can’t remember what I had for breakfast that morning. Pretty scary since I always eat the same thing for breakfast.

Maybe life feels like that for you, too, right now. Maybe that’s just what life is supposed to feel like in ... Read More

You know that mom who sits next to her children each night as they do their homework? The one who helps them pick out their clothes and perhaps even irons when necessary? It’s the same mom who makes her children’s breakfast for them and packs their lunches each morning.

Yeah… that’s not me.

I start off the morning around 7:45 ... Read More