Tag: kindness

A car crashes into a crowd of people standing up against white nationalist protesters.

What’s your first reaction?

Do you lash out in a flurry of hateful words over social media, adding more negativity to the situation?

Do you hide under a blanket on your couch, binge-watching Netflix so you don’t have to risk seeing more bad news?

Do you go about your daily ... Read More

A few weeks ago, I posed a question about the difference between helping others because it’s the “right thing to do” or because you want to do an act of kindness. I’ve already published some answers in this column, but I received one more letter in the mail that I couldn’t let go before sharing with you. It’s from Jean ... Read More

I’d like you to meet Ann. Ann is a professional photographer. She took all the photos of my bare chest during reconstruction for my upcoming breast cancer book. She’s used to seeing me naked. That’s why she has no problem walking into my house while I’m still in my pajamas, and I have no problem letting her.

Besides being a rockstar ... Read More

If someone tells you to “go fly a kite,” you can pretty much assume he or she is not leading with kindness and a future get-together is not in the works.

Much like the phrases “bug off” or “take a hike,” the origin of “go fly a kite” is a little hazy.

Some people believe it came from the stock market crash ... Read More

There are moments that the words don’t reach…

My daughter and I sat in the balcony overlooking the stage as Angelica sang these words.

There is suffering too terrible to name…

All of a sudden, I wasn’t watching a show about Alexander Hamilton. I was caught in my own thoughts.

The moments when you’re in so deep…

Have I ever been there? Have I ever ... Read More

Have you ever thought, I’m almost there! Only to realize that you’ve still got so far to go?

I went to a waterpark recently. I’m a big believer in amusement parks with roller coasters. Waterslides, not so much.

My son, Charlie, is a fan of all things fast and tall, so I put on my three piece swimming suit (top, bottom and ... Read More

Taryn Skees is a mom just like me. She’s a writer and a speaker who is passionate about the power of kindness.

But Taryn’s drive to spread the message of kindness didn’t come from a spontaneous act of kindness that transformed her life. It came from the birth of her son.

Taryn’s 9-year-old son, Aiden, has a rare craniofacial condition called Apert ... Read More

I’m keeping it short today. I just stumbled across this quote from one of my favorite movies and wanted to share it with you… You are someone’s miracle.

“Parting your soup is not a miracle, Bruce, it’s a magic trick. A single mom who’s working two jobs, and still finds time to take her kid to soccer practice, that’s a miracle. ... Read More

Last week I posed a question that had come across my desk from a Fargo mail carrier. He asked, “Where does citizenship end and kindness begin?”

His job often puts him in positions where he feels compelled to help. A lost cell phone, a wandering child or an emergency that requires a call to 911.

We are taught to be nice and ... Read More

I need you. Really. I’m living in the 21st century, but my brain is stuck in 1985.

I’m a pre-teen dancing around my mom’s living room greatly disturbing the tenants in the apartment below because I can’t get enough of Whitney Houston’s new music video “How Will I Know.”

What? You don’t remember it? Well here you go!

In 1985, I didn’t have ... Read More