Tag: kindness

Is there anybody in your life you’d be okay with God sort of “forgetting” to save?

It’s not like you intentionally wish ill-will on them (or maybe you do), it’s just that they have pulled one too many punches. They’ve hurt you or the one you love too many times to be forgiven.

Or maybe it’s a group of people. Child molesters. ... Read More

I was walking through Walmart the other day watching parents and their college students prepare for a new chapter in their lives. It occurred to me in the middle of the toothpaste aisle that it doesn’t matter if your kid is going into kindergarten or college, letting them go is hard.

We have to trust that the world will be good ... Read More

“Stress fatigue. Ever had it? Ever heard of it? Is it normal to want to sleep all the time?”

I was having coffee with a few precious women yesterday when one of them posed those questions.

The weight of the world can rest on the shoulders of a parent. When that parent is also holding down a job or caring for another ... Read More

When Mr. Rogers was a boy and terrible things would happen around the world, his mom would tell him to look for the helpers. Instead of focusing on the destruction, she encouraged him to look for the good — for those people who were moving forward in kindness.

Fred Rogers took that message with him into adulthood where he shared it ... Read More

What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you? You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you ... Read More

When I first married my husband, he bought me a book called “Basketball for Dummies.” He was an assistant men’s college basketball coach at the time. I was more interested in the team’s colors and cute apparel than in what was happening on the court. We clearly had some work to do.

I asked him to buy me the book for ... Read More

So a funny thing happened after I had breast cancer. My daughter’s little “Let’s help Mom” sewing project exploded into something that none of us could have ever asked for or imagined.

Let’s recap.

May 2015: Diagnosed with Stage 2 Lobular Invasive Carcinoma (breast cancer).

July 2015: Single mastectomy.

August 2015: Doctor declares me “Cancer free”; Puts me on Tamoxifen for ten years ... Read More

I wonder sometimes about the messages I send even when I am completely unaware.

I have been known to roll my eyes and huff at my youngest son, “Can you please remember to bus your own spot after dinner this time?” I wonder if I am secretly saying to him, “You can’t remember to do anything.”

The thought is sobering and if ... Read More

I would never take a stroll with an artist through his studio and start judging his work.

Can you imagine? Walking along and commenting to the one who created each canvas, saying, “Oh, that one is lovely… but that one really sucks… I love the colors you used in this one… but man that one is stupid.”

We wouldn’t do that, right?

And ... Read More

My dad had a stroke in the summer of 2016. For more than a year, he’s been a resident of an assisted living home. It’s a lovely place, but my heart hurts because I know that isn’t where he wants to be.

I got to return to Wisconsin to visit him a few weeks ago and was delighted to see that ... Read More