Tag: blog

I can remember my anger like it was yesterday. It happened 29 years ago, and yet I can still see myself yelling, stomping and slamming a bedroom door.

I was a junior in high school and a boy invited me to visit him at his college two hours from our hometown.

We weren’t dating. We were just friends and he thought I’d ... Read More

I’m about to go dark on you. Not dark as in a trench coat, heavy boots and lots of black eye liner. I’m about to say goodbye.

Okay, that was a touch overly dramatic of me. Let me try again. I’m going to dedicate this summer to writing a book that will be released by Baker Publishing in 2020. I’m going ... Read More

Have you ever met someone so kind, so gentle, that the minute you see her sweet smile you just feel safe? Accepted? That’s how I felt when I met Michele O’Leary. She and I became online friends this summer, just before she took the brave step to start a blog. A few months later we connected face-to-face at a writer’s ... Read More

I’m having one of those “Look what I found!” moments. In simpler times, when I didn’t have to bend over so far to reach the ground, I would have them often. I’d spy the tiniest corner of a buried treasure and spend the next 10 minutes frantically excavating before tearing into the house to show my mother what I’d uncovered.

I ... Read More

What if we were all just here for each other? What if we really, truly wanted the best for each other at all times and celebrated when one of our sisters had something good come her way?

I was having a conversation with a girlfriend the other day about broken cars or kids’ clothes or something mundane that turned into a ... Read More

I blew it. I was on a radio show Monday morning and now, two days later, I am still wrestling with something I said. Has that ever happened to you? Something comes out of your mouth that was okay, but it wasn’t exactly what you meant to say? I want a do-over. Let me see if I can say it ... Read More

It’s a touch quieter than normal in our house this year. For the first time in my career as a mom, all three of my children are in elementary school. Jordan is a big kid this year; she’s in sixth grade. Charlie is in fourth grade, and little Ben is in all-day, every-day kindergarten.

In between the time I drop them ... Read More

Have you ever needed something brilliant to say? Something that would perfectly express what sits so delicately, yet passionately, in the center of your heart?

I’m not supposed to be writing this blog right now. I’m supposed to be writing a 45 minute speech. I want it to be clever and interesting and motivating and make everyone fall over in ... Read More

It’s amazing how quickly things return to normal. I have a long to-do list today which includes enthralling activities such as: scheduling dental appointments, calling the insurance company, welcoming the dishwasher repairman, and waiting for new flooring to be delivered.

Sometimes I want to yell, “HEY! Doesn’t anybody around here remember how incredibly BRAVE I was this summer?” Actually, sometimes ... Read More

The night before we got the final pathology report, I laid in bed and prayed. “God, chemo or no chemo, whatever needs to be done, I accept it. I will trust in you and your plan for my life. But please, God, let me read to the kindergarteners this year. That’s all I want. Please just let me read to ... Read More