Tag: Bible

I’ve heard people say, “Just look to the Word. Everything you need to know is in the Bible.”

So I’d get confused about a big life question and then open my Bible to a story about how the Levites were commanded to camp around the Tabernacle.


Not only do I not comprehend what that possibly means for me, there are at ... Read More

The Bible tells us not to fear something like 365 times— one time for every day of the year. Some theologians argue that’s not exactly true, but it sounds good so I’m going with it.

Actually it doesn’t really matter to me exactly how many times we’ve been told. I’m a mom, so I figure if I’ve said it once, that’s ... Read More

The demon of depression has chased me since I was a kid. I remember being in elementary school and feeling like my chest had a heavy weight sitting on it. I didn’t know what it was at the time– even after a teenage suicide attempt, it took me well into my adulthood to come up with the diagnosis “depression.”

The last ... Read More

What would have to happen to make you shout at the top of your Facebook lungs, “THE SKY IS FALLING!”?

Has it happened already?

I opened my Facebook feed twice yesterday. I was online no more than 35 seconds, just long enough to realize people feel wounded. Our eyes are focused solidly on this world, and in exchange, we are turning into ... Read More

I may or may not be having surgery again today. The skin near my mastectomy incision may or may not be dying. The doctor will look at it again today at 10am make a game-time decision. If he deems the skin dead, I’ll be back on the operating table by 1pm.

I hate to be melodramatic, but I am completely freaking ... Read More