Tag: aberdeen

My fourth grade son, Ben, told me his teacher pretends to vomit anytime the kids start bickering with each other in his class. Isn’t that hysterical?

Instead of yelling or raining down punishment, the teacher just walks over and pretends to gag. The kids immediately realize what they’re doing and are distracted enough to let it go.

The principal in that same ... Read More

I feel sorry for people who live in warm climates. They never get to experience the incredible kindness that comes in the middle of a massive snowstorm.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, my family drove from Aberdeen, S.D., to Moorhead, MN., for my husband’s basketball game. A friend let us stay at her house while she was gone for the weekend. Our little ... Read More

I got to speak for the first time in Aberdeen last Friday. The place was packed with new friends, and as I stood there, I felt grateful.

At the end of my talk, I asked if anyone wanted to share their own story of kindness. A woman named Liz raised her hand. (For the record, I think her name was ... Read More

A word to the wise: never lie to a pole dancer. After years of dealing with drunks in nightclubs, they have a B.S. in B.S. And yet, I did it. I broke my own cardinal rule and flat out lied to my Pole Fit instructor.

To set the stage, if you will, I signed up for the pole class in a ... Read More