Category: Be Brave

Instead of focusing on the size of your problem, try focusing on the size of your God.

When you expect miracles to happen, you will notice when they do.

“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” ~Lee Greenwood

When you call out to God, do you hope He hears you or do you know He hears you?

God will turn every rock in your path into a stepping stone to help you climb closer to Him.

Today I vow to remember that God knows what’s happening in my life. Every thought, feeling, and frustration is on His radar long before it’s on mine.

“Nothing is ever just in your head. Nothing is ever just in your body. They are intrinsically linked– always.” -Christine Northrup, M.D.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need.” Sometimes I feel that right down to my core, and some days I have to walk it out in faith. I’m so grateful that the statement remains true, regardless of how I feel.

“God desires to bless us even more than we desire to be blessed, but He loves us too much to bless us beyond our capability to properly handle those blessings and to give Him the glory.” -Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind

You never know what God will use to change a person’s life.