Author: nicole

It’s funny how the same circumstances can look so different when you take a moment to stroll around the perimeter of a problem.

My daughter turned 13 yesterday. Well, sort of yesterday — she’s a Leap Day baby, so she only gets a birthday once every four years. Don’t feel too sorry for her. With no February 29th, she decided to ... Read More

“I don’t know what to do. My life is too stressful. Something’s gotta give. If I quit my job, the stress will be gone, but then I can’t pay my mortgage. Everyone wants something from me. I can’t keep up.”

The woman sat next to me with pleading in her eyes. She wanted me to find a solution for her. She ... Read More

I went to visit my father recently. He had a stroke about 9 months ago and is now a permanent resident in an assisted living facility. He hasn’t yet regained the use of the right side of his body, so he relies heavily on my step-mom and his nurses to tend to his every need.

Every several months I have the ... Read More

I took a knee next to my father’s wheelchair. “Dad, I’m heading to the airport now. I’ll be back in a few months. Anything else you need to tell me?”

My dad had a stroke last June and last week I was able to make my third trip back to Wisconsin to see him.

Each time I go, there are big improvements. ... Read More

“God is kind, but he’s not soft. In kindness he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change.” Romans 2:4 (MSG)

Seven years ago I stood on the edge of a major decision. I knew if I kept going the way I was going, making the decisions I was making, I would never be the mom ... Read More

Remember the old National Enquirer magazine commercials? “Inquiring minds want to know. I want to know.”

I talk about the health benefits of giving and how awkward situations can be smoothed out with kindness, but the more opportunities I have to speak in public and get immediate feedback from those messages, the more I realize I’m getting it wrong.

Well, maybe not ... Read More

“I have a confession to make.”

I had never met the woman standing in front of me, but I could tell whatever she was about to say was serious.

“When I first heard that you were going to be our speaker, I rolled my eyes. I thought, What could a former Miss Wisconsin who looks like that possibly teach me? She’s got ... Read More

My husband and I have had a little game going since we got married. It’s called, “Things I’ve never said before.” When one of us says to the kids, “How did the toothpaste get on the ceiling?” or “Did you poop in the tub?” we will look at each other and say, “Well, that’s something I haven’t said before.”

It’s diffused ... Read More

My husband has banned me from Amazon. Not for shopping. For reading book reviews. Specifically, my book reviews.

I wrote a book and because it was about kindness, I assumed everyone would love it. So when someone left me a two-star review, I cried. Seriously, stupid I know, but I boo-hooed for almost two days. One day for each star.

The review ... Read More

Today was a great day. Really. Some days are like that. Some are not. That’s why I’m especially grateful for today. Molly Fay, (the host sitting closest to me) was a rockstar mentor and positive role model for me when I was just a baby in the TV biz. I will always be so grateful for the kindness she ... Read More