Author: nicole

I’m shaking things up a bit this week. Okay, God’s shaking things up. I’m just trying not to get in His way.

I’ve had a dream come true. I belong to a group called COMPEL, an online community that equips people who want to hone their writing. Last September-ish, a piece I wrote about my dad was chosen to ... Read More

How is it that things can look so drastically different based on our ever-changing outlook?

Like the little park bench that’s tucked along a pebble path and surrounded by colorful blossoms. It looks so quaint and inviting, until that becomes the place where your boyfriend chooses to dump you.

Then it looks rusty and worn out and covered in bird poop.

Some things ... Read More

For 16 years, people have been asking me, “What’s it like to be a coach’s wife?”

For 16 years, my answer has been, “Um… I don’t know. It’s good?”

The thing is, I don’t know any different. Saul is the only husband I’ve ever had, so I’ve never had the opportunity to compare my husband, the Division 1 College Basketball Coach, with ... Read More

Eighteen years ago I stood on the pitcher’s mound at the old Milwaukee Brewers stadium. I was wearing a headset that was streaming the Beatles into my ears. With my pitch pipe in hand, I got my starting note and waited for the tech guys to turn off the music so I could begin the National Anthem.

Only they forgot to ... Read More

A whole new language arises during the month of March in the house of a college basketball coach.

We use words like “seed” and “bracket” in daily conversation, but even more curious, in my house at least, is the way my husband begins to use the word, “March.”

In the midst of a tight game on TV, Saul will yell out things ... Read More

My past week:

Tuesday: Arrive at the hotel in Cleveland and set the kids free in the pool while trying to stomp down the anxiety of beginning another season of March Madness as the wife of a Division 1 basketball coach.

Wednesday: Text the friend I met several years ago in another tournament. Her husband was a coach too. Now he is ... Read More

If I only sat down at my computer when I had something to say, I would never sit down at my computer.


I blog on Monday and Thursday mornings, so sitting down at my computer is kind of essential.

At approximately 6:53AM twice a week, God hears the exact same prayer. God, what do you want me to tell them? I don’t ... Read More

I am about to rat out my fellow columnist. In a good way, of course.

Bob Lind has been writing the Neighbors column in the Fargo Forum since before I was born.

Just kidding.

But he has been writing it for quite a while, right around 20 years in fact.

His words introduce us to the people, places and things that are right under ... Read More

Have you ever gotten stuck on someone’s choice of words and therefore missed the entire point of what they were saying?

It’s happens to me most frequently with the word “fine”.

I’ll be nervous about going to an event and tentatively ask my husband what he thinks of my outfit. He responds with, “It’s fine.”

He is thinking, Yep, that fits the bill ... Read More

A strange thing is happening. The kids are fed, the dishes are done (sort of) and the couch begins calling my name. Actually, it’s not the couch that’s drawing me in, it’s the television.

Ahhh, Netflix.

I’ve always admired the beauty of being able to watch what you want when you want it, but at the risk of sounding like an 80-year-old ... Read More