Tag: trust

Hope. Someone here needs hope. So … here we go.

Ten years ago today I drank my last rum & coke. Ten years ago tomorrow I woke up sicker than a dog, feeling confused about what had happened the night before, but certain I had angered a whole lot of people. I was humiliated by my actions, ... Read More

I’m having some trust issues lately. Ever been there?

It’s not my husband or my kids or my friends. It’s bigger than that. I’m having a hard time trusting God.

I’m not telling you anything I haven’t told Him. Believe me, I’ve told Him. It’s a good thing He’s patient and abounding in love. I’d have kicked me to the curb by ... Read More

I’ve heard people say, “Just look to the Word. Everything you need to know is in the Bible.”

So I’d get confused about a big life question and then open my Bible to a story about how the Levites were commanded to camp around the Tabernacle.


Not only do I not comprehend what that possibly means for me, there are at ... Read More

I tucked in my youngest son last night with the same two questions I always ask.

Who loves you?


Who else loves you?


I always end by saying That’s right, Momma and Jesus love you! Then I walk away sort of giggling to myself, because I like the ring of that — Momma and Jesus love you. It sounds like a country western ... Read More

I wonder sometimes about the messages I send even when I am completely unaware.

I have been known to roll my eyes and huff at my youngest son, “Can you please remember to bus your own spot after dinner this time?” I wonder if I am secretly saying to him, “You can’t remember to do anything.”

The thought is sobering and if ... Read More

My Charlie is back home, snuggled in his bed. At least for the next hour until I wake him up with a loud, rousing rendition of “Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory!”

It’s my favorite get-your-sleepy-butt-out-of-bed song.

I mentioned in my post on Monday that Charlie, my 11 year old son, was on a field trip ... Read More

I have two friends waiting for test results. I’m not talking the “I wonder what I got on my math quiz” sort of test. I’m talking big tests. Bad tests. Scary tests.

Another friend is trying to figure out where she and her kids are going to live next month.

Me? My problems are little in comparison, but they still weigh me ... Read More