Tag: technology

There is a beautiful unfolding of compassion and creativity happening in our world! I’ve been asking readers to share their coronavirus stories of kindness so we can all see the amazing outbreaks of goodness. Andy Smallman from Seattle wrote about having “Beer with Granddad.”

“The most important thing for my parents, ages 85 & 86, is family. Living in a retirement ... Read More

Is it enough as a parent to live your life with kindness and hope your kids catch on? Or is kindness something that needs to be intentional?

What sort of resources do kids even have the ability to give?

It turns out quite a few!

Susan Crites Price is an expert on family philanthropy. She has a great book called Generous Genes: Raising ... Read More

I need you. Really. I’m living in the 21st century, but my brain is stuck in 1985.

I’m a pre-teen dancing around my mom’s living room greatly disturbing the tenants in the apartment below because I can’t get enough of Whitney Houston’s new music video “How Will I Know.”

What? You don’t remember it? Well here you go!

In 1985, I didn’t have ... Read More

Ouch. My daughter’s words cut deep into my heart. I was failing. Not in everything, but in this one thing. The conversation at the dinner table halted as I processed this information.

“It’s just that sometimes I talk to you and you’re looking at your phone and you don’t even acknowledge me.”

My first response was to defend. It’s my job to ... Read More