A friend gave me a beautiful bracelet engraved with an interesting phrase. It says, “Be a silver lining.” Not “Be the silver lining,” but “Be a silver lining.” I love that. It takes the pressure off when you realize you don’t have to be all things to all people, but rather just do what you can do when you can ... Read More

Tag: Silver lining
Make Silver Lining Your Favorite Color
I keep getting asked the same question. It’s totally awesome and becoming totally weird. In private conversations, after speaking functions, even during media interviews– when I talk about life or kindness or breast cancer, the same question keeps coming back to me: Where do you get your joy?
It’s like God is giving me lots of chances to answer the ... Read More
Race for the Cure
There is good in every situation.
That is a scary sentence. All of a sudden my mind is flooded with thoughts of children being abused and babies dying and inexplicable injustices filling our globe.
But I said it, and I believe it. There is good in every situation.
Sometimes it takes a loooong time to find a silver lining. Sometimes ... Read More