Tag: saul phillips

The late, great Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi had a thing with time. His players knew there was “normal time” and there was “Lombardi time.” If you played for Vince Lombardi, you were 15 minutes early, or you were late. I used to operate on Lombardi time. I loved being early. I appreciated a few extra minutes to get ... Read More

My husband got pulled over for speeding the other day. Mr. Leadfoot has been teasing me for years about what a bad driver I am, so as you can imagine, I was delighted to be in the car witnessing the whole thing.

I’m also pleased to have the opportunity to write about this event in the paper and perhaps publicly embarrass ... Read More

I remember two things from the end of my grandfather’s life. I was a very little girl, but I remember his eyes and I remember his stories.

His eyes were normally blue, but on this final visit, they were almost turquoise. They were extraordinarily bright, shining, a little damp-looking, and not exactly focused on the people or things in his nursing ... Read More

My 16-year-old niece, Kate, has had severe health problems since the day she was born. She has never had a pain-free day in her life.

Two years ago, she spent a month at the Mayo Clinic learning how to cope with the pain. The doctors had come to the realization that the pain wasn’t leaving, so they needed to teach Kate ... Read More

Earlier this month, I had the privilege of speaking to about 500 people in my church sanctuary.

I told those people about my life growing up. I talked about visits to a prison to see my mom’s husband and about struggles with addiction during my years as a young mom.I had one main point: Kindness doesn’t just make the world a ... Read More

A friend recently asked if kindness ever comes back to bite me. She was struggling with the decision to continue extending kindness to people who just weren’t playing along. She felt as if all of her efforts were being done in vain and wondered if it was worth it.

My answer was, “Yes, I’ve been bitten.”

There are times when people are ... Read More

In the past three years, kindness has become my ministry. It is my passion, and in my opinion, it’s the answer to every problem out there. Be kind.

I’ve recently met a woman who shares my passion for kindness, but instead of “Be kind,” her platform is “Give.” She is so passionate about giving that she wrote her own Public Service ... Read More

I’ve mentioned in previous columns that I haven’t always had the closest relationship with my mom.

It has taken years (decades actually) for my heart to soften toward my mother.

Even during those times when I knew I should forgive her but couldn’t and wouldn’t, there was always the nagging thought in the back of my mind saying, “She won’t be around ... Read More

My birthday is coming up this week. On Wednesday, I’ll be 26. Again.

Birthdays are fun, but they don’t hold the same excitement for me that they did when I was a child. I remember wanting to invite as many kids as possible over to my house on my birthday in hopes of having a huge stash of presents to open.

Now, ... Read More

I recently received an email from a woman who wanted to give me $1,000. No joke. She had $1,000 to give away, and she wanted to give it to me!

Every year, Bell State Bank & Trust gives their employees money to give away in a random act of kindness. This year, the business added a twist and another layer to ... Read More