Tag: perspective

I don’t like stressy things which is why it’s God’s hysterical joke that I am a Division I basketball coach’s wife.

Saul and I knew each other as kids and we reconnected as young adults. As I sat across from him in that Italian restaurant on our first real date, he told me he was never going to get married because ... Read More

My friend got a new shirt the other day and I immediately had closet envy. Here it is:

Hysterical, right?

It reminds me of a t-shirt I have that says, “I can’t adult today” that I wear every time I feel overworked and under appreciated. It gives my kids an immediate heads-up in the morning that they better be putting their own ... Read More

Several years ago, a man sent in a story for my Kindness is Contagious column. It resonated with me so deeply, I used it again in my book and I often refer to it in my speaking engagements.

Why did I love that particular story so much? Because it flipped over the ridiculously angry emotions I feel sometimes when someone does ... Read More

My seven year old is a fishing fanatic. He’s hoping we sell our home in Athens so we can live full-time in our little lake cabin an hour away. School? Nah. Let’s not go anymore. Dad’s job? He can commute.

When I finally got up the nerve to break it to Ben that we would not be moving, he took it ... Read More

Saul and I just bought a fixer-upper lake house. We envision long, lazy summer days filled with sounds of laughter and the splash of water as our children jump off the dock.

We knew going into this project that there would be no early morning fishing or late night marshmallows until we put in quite a few hours of sweat equity ... Read More

There are plenty of times I hold my tongue. Those of you who know me are now rolling your eyes thinking, “Yeah right, Nicole.”

Okay, I guess you’re right. We’re both right. I don’t necessarily hold my tongue, I just don’t say what I really want to say because I’m worried about how it will be taken.

Holding our tongues can be ... Read More

I took my kids to a rock concert on Easter. Okay, it wasn’t really a rock concert, but it sure was reminiscent of the time I saw the Steve Miller band live in Green Bay.

You know what it was? Church.

Several thousand people were on their feet, hands in the air, singing at the top of their lungs.

We’re staying at my ... Read More