Tag: Nicole Phillips

A woman on my street recently lost her husband. Her three kids lost their dad. I’ve never met any of them, but I find myself thinking about what I could possibly do to let them know I care about the pain they are going through.

What small gesture could I do that would really mean all that much?

I just got a ... Read More

People have bad days. For some, it seems like life just keeps throwing them curve balls.

That’s how Heather from Fargo feels sometimes.

Last August, her home burned to the ground. Then in December, she bought a trailer home for $3,000, only to find out that the person she gave the money to wasn’t the real owner. The real owners threw her ... Read More

What if kindness were cumulative and contagious? What if everything you did your entire life to or for another person all added up to how people treat you at the end of your life?

That may not be so far from the truth. Lisa (Brustad) Rygg recently went through an experience with her mother, where a lifetime of kindness was paid ... Read More

I don’t think too many people wake up on a Saturday morning and say, “Today I am going to be kind.” I think sometimes, kindness just sort of happens.

But I do believe that when it happens once, it’s likely to happen again, because as Daphne Meyers from Fargo writes, even if you didn’t set out to be kind, the feeling ... Read More

If you moved out of the Fargo-Moorhead area, would you still read The Forum? I am constantly amazed by the number of people who write to me, saying they grew up in this community, have moved away, but still like to keep up on what’s happening here.

Kevin Plummer is a great example of that. He’s also a great example of ... Read More

I’m about to use this newspaper space for my own selfish reasons. Oops, not a good start in an Easter weekend, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

It’s a risk I’m willing to take because I know there is a group of teen moms in Fargo who sleep without blankets, so their babies can have them instead. Those same ... Read More

Girl Scout cookies. Those three words breed some strange mix of excitement and anxiety deep inside my soul.

I love Girl Scout cookies. I’m always excited when I start hearing about them because it means spring is on the way.

But things have changed since I was a Girl Scout. Way back then, we put on our little Brownie vests, stomped up ... Read More

If the quickest way to man’s heart is through his stomach, then the quickest way to a mom’s heart is through her children.

Nothing melts my heart faster than someone showing kindness to my kids.

Rachel Heggen, a Fargo mom, must have been a puddle after meeting a very kind woman at the Fargodome. Here’s her story:

“My daughter, Abigail, had just turned ... Read More

Imagine if you could do one thing today that someone else would remember six decades from now.

It’s very possible that something you say or do, either positive or negative, will make such an impact on another person that he or she will remember it for years to come.

Don’t believe me? Ask Maxine Jeffries from Underwood, Minn. Here’s the letter she ... Read More

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “What goes around comes around.” That seems to be especially true when it comes to acts of kindness.

Anna, from Fargo, goes out of her way to make other people feel special. Luckily, karma caught up with her.

“Hi, Nicole, I wanted to share a moment that has stayed with me. It has shown me how ... Read More