Tag: kindness

My heart aches when I see tragedy in this world, especially tragedy that could have been avoided. That’s how I felt the morning of July 7 when I opened the paper and read about the Deutschers, a young couple and their 1-year-old daughter, who were killed the night before in an accident with a drunken driver.

There is plenty to be ... Read More

I’ve found myself wondering lately if a little bit of kindness is enough kindness. If you give someone a little piece of you, but you still have much more to give, does that little piece still count as kindness? Let me explain.

I was walking through the cereal aisle at Walmart the other day when a woman stopped me. She had ... Read More

I was talking on the phone to someone the other day who said something that made me very sad. The woman lives in New York, and I met her (not personally, but on the phone) when she called Diva Connection Foundation looking for help.

Life has been very hard for this woman. She has troubles that I cannot even imagine. She’s ... Read More

I grew up in a small town called Reedsburg, Wis. Although the population was posted on a sign as 5,038, on any given weekend, I would see only six of those people: my mom, dad, brother, sister and two of the neighbor kids who lived a mile down the road.

Every Saturday, I would hop on my bike and pedal my ... Read More

For many area kids (and parents), this has been a very big week.

School started for Fargo Public Schools on Thursday. For my kids, that meant packing and repacking backpacks filled with newly sharpened pencils, crisp brightly-colored folders, and pink erasers that still smell like the manufacturing plant.

It meant running to the mailbox over and over again looking for the letter ... Read More

We are hearty people here in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Last winter my dad called me from Wisconsin to ask how long I would have to stay in my house. The Weather Channel was reporting wind chills in Fargo of 50 below. I laughed as I told my dad that this is just life in Fargo.

Here we are in the heat ... Read More

The other day I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in at least six months. She smiled her big exuberant smile and said, “Oh! It’s Miss Kindness!” as she gave me a warm hug.

Her sweet greeting made me feel special down to the tips of my toes.

How I would love to be thought of as Miss Kindness on a ... Read More

There is a quote I recently heard that seems to be sticking in my brain. Mother Angelica said, “Unless we dare to accomplish the ridiculous, God cannot accomplish the miraculous.”

I don’t know if you believe in God or not, and frankly, for the purpose of this column it doesn’t matter. What that quote says to me is this: Unless you ... Read More

I’ve heard of making deals with the devil, but I wonder, have you ever tried to strike a deal with God?

Maybe you told him that if you could just have that promotion at work you would start volunteering to help the homeless. Or if he would just help you lose those last 10 pounds you would donate to the food ... Read More

Have you ever asked anyone the ways in which they see you sin? The pastor at my church made a really bold challenge the other day. He asked us to find five people in five different areas of our lives and ask them to point out our sins.

Let me tell you, having someone look you in the eye and tell ... Read More