Tag: kindness

Kari Werlinger found a camera memory card containing this photo seven years ago. She’s trying to find the owner.


Every time I look at my kids, I wonder how they got so big so fast. I’ve started to cherish photos that made me want to scream when they were taken. You know, the ones with the goofy smile or the tongue ... Read More

I would like to start a new service in Fargo to rent grandparents. You can hire a babysitter or a person to clean your home, so why can’t you hire someone to come over and love your kids?


My kids adore their grandparents, but being in Fargo means we don’t get to see them very often, especially in the winter when ... Read More

I’d like to share a story I heard a long time ago and recently found again online.

“This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that ... Read More

“If the darkest hour comes before the light, where is the light? Where is the light? Where is the light?”

Those words are from the song “Ave Mary A” by Pink. I’ve listened to that song for years, and yet this week, I felt like I heard it for the first time.

I was thinking about the community of West Fargo and ... Read More

When my husband and I first got together, we were living seven hours apart. Each weekend, one of us would make the commute from Milwaukee to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

Maybe things were different back then or maybe we were naive, but it never occurred to either of us that it could be dangerous to drive 400 miles in our very ... Read More

I’d like to explain how Saturday mornings work in the Phillips household. At about 6 a.m., my almost 3-year-old son, Ben, wakes up, sneaks out of bed and goes to find the dog in her kennel. The dog then wakes up, sees my 8-year-old daughter sleeping and proceeds to jump all over her bed. My daughter, being awakened quite obnoxiously, ... Read More

Do you believe in angels? My husband and I go around and around on whether ghosts exist, but he won’t even touch the angel issue. I do believe in angels, so I think my practical husband is a little worried that if he comes out as a non-believer, they may stop watching over him.

Angels or not, I know for a ... Read More

How are those New Year’s Resolutions coming?


Every year, I resolve not to make a resolution. I find the New Year is a good time to sit back and give myself credit for the things I’m doing right instead of trying to fix all of my “problem areas.”

It’s kind of like a little gift I give to myself, “Hey Nicole, you’re ... Read More

For the first time in a long time, I was able to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Wisconsin. The North Dakota State University men’s basketball team was playing in Green Bay that weekend, so an assistant coach’s wife and I loaded up all five of our kids in the minivan and headed to meet up with our husbands.

After a ... Read More

I think my husband is awfully handsome. He’s got a great smile, gorgeous eyes and the most unbelievable feet you’ve ever seen on a man.

Yep, I said it – feet.

I’ll be honest. I hadn’t really taken much notice of my husband’s feet until recently when I saw a poster advertising them.

That poster was enough to make me fall in love ... Read More