Tag: kids

Brian Williams was supposed to be a high-powered, highly paid businessman. In college, he was ranked as the top business student in the country, as in the entire United States. Only, when he got out into the real world, he found he wasn’t crazy about some of the shadier practices happening behind the scenes.

Now, just to be clear, I’m not ... Read More

In a little town that doesn’t get much press is a woman who quietly goes about the task of teaching kids.

Pamela Wiese is a truancy officer and paraprofessional at a school in Henning, Minn., a town of about 800 people. I have no doubt that she shows great compassion and empathy in the hours that fill most of her days. ... Read More

I wish I could bring you into my son’s kindergarten classroom. It’s a happy, colorful place where little people are learning big things, like how to read and count to 100, and lead with kindness.

They are learning those things thanks to two special adults who have more patience in a pinky than I have coursing through my entire body. One ... Read More

One of the best things about having three kids in elementary school is that I get to spend a lot of time as a fly on the wall. Some people call it “volunteering,” but I call it “pretending to work while I’m secretly spying on my children.”

I got to be part of a very special event at the school recently. ... Read More

A woman I know just had hip replacement surgery and it’s really getting her down. She is healthy and sassy and spry and assumed she’d be in a bit of pain, but also assumed she’d be back to her old routine in no time. And she will be, but right now it doesn’t feel that way. Right now, she’s in ... Read More

Jeremiah Solhjem has had a big life of building tall towers and defeating shifty robbers thanks to his vivid imagination and the 9-year-old’s love of Legos. I’m sure he’s playing right now as I write this, but we can no longer see him.

This past September, Jeremiah was working alongside his dad to raise some extra money to buy more Legos ... Read More

My daughter asked me a question the other day that on the surface seemed kind of childish and selfish. Yet, it’s something that, even as an adult, I still wrestle with in my mind and in my heart. She said, “Mom, what do you do when people don’t recognize your kindness?”

Jordan went on to explain there is a girl in ... Read More

I know a little girl whose momma had breast cancer this summer. As soon as the diagnosis was announced, that young lady, though she was just 11, set out to do whatever she could to spread kindness throughout the house. She helped her daddy with chores, kept peace with her brothers, and delivered food and water to her mother when ... Read More

“Once a Lion, always a Lion. Come back and visit us anytime.” Those are the words the principal of my kids’ school said the day we left Fargo.Once a Lion, always a Lion.

We lived in north Fargo, so two of my kids had the privilege of going to Longfellow Elementary. They were Longfellow Lions, and according to Mr. Henrickson, the ... Read More

It’s a touch quieter than normal in our house this year. For the first time in my career as a mom, all three of my children are in elementary school. Jordan is a big kid this year; she’s in sixth grade. Charlie is in fourth grade, and little Ben is in all-day, every-day kindergarten.

In between the time I drop them ... Read More