Category: Be Brave

In our house, we don’t use the word “hate.” It’s too strong. It’s too damaging. It’s too permanent. However, if I’m being honest, there are a few things I hate.

I hate food and I hate exercise.

I have a love/hate relationship with food that goes back as long as I can remember. I don’t like to prepare food or think about ... Read More

The Bible tells us not to fear something like 365 times— one time for every day of the year. Some theologians argue that’s not exactly true, but it sounds good so I’m going with it.

Actually it doesn’t really matter to me exactly how many times we’ve been told. I’m a mom, so I figure if I’ve said it once, that’s ... Read More

There are moments that the words don’t reach…

My daughter and I sat in the balcony overlooking the stage as Angelica sang these words.

There is suffering too terrible to name…

All of a sudden, I wasn’t watching a show about Alexander Hamilton. I was caught in my own thoughts.

The moments when you’re in so deep…

Have I ever been there? Have I ever ... Read More

Have you ever thought, I’m almost there! Only to realize that you’ve still got so far to go?

I went to a waterpark recently. I’m a big believer in amusement parks with roller coasters. Waterslides, not so much.

My son, Charlie, is a fan of all things fast and tall, so I put on my three piece swimming suit (top, bottom and ... Read More

I’m keeping it short today. I just stumbled across this quote from one of my favorite movies and wanted to share it with you… You are someone’s miracle.

“Parting your soup is not a miracle, Bruce, it’s a magic trick. A single mom who’s working two jobs, and still finds time to take her kid to soccer practice, that’s a miracle. ... Read More

Have you ever had to sell yourself? Maybe in a resume? Or face-to-face with a perspective employer?

We’re expected to brag about all the great attributes we hold and accomplishments we’ve accrued.

It’s terribly hard, isn’t it?

I remember going into my boss as a young TV reporter and asking for a raise. He asked why I thought I deserved it. My mind ... Read More

I need you. Really. I’m living in the 21st century, but my brain is stuck in 1985.

I’m a pre-teen dancing around my mom’s living room greatly disturbing the tenants in the apartment below because I can’t get enough of Whitney Houston’s new music video “How Will I Know.”

What? You don’t remember it? Well here you go!

In 1985, I didn’t have ... Read More

I learned how to be a mom by watching my own mom and the moms of my teenage friends. There’s no one right way to do it. I seemed to understand that from a young age, yet there were certain things that I tucked away because they made a positive impact on me. I wanted to do them someday when ... Read More

My seven year old is a fishing fanatic. He’s hoping we sell our home in Athens so we can live full-time in our little lake cabin an hour away. School? Nah. Let’s not go anymore. Dad’s job? He can commute.

When I finally got up the nerve to break it to Ben that we would not be moving, he took it ... Read More

Do your thoughts ever run away from you? Do they take you to places you know are not healthy or necessary?

Maybe you’re driving and sort of zoning out and the next thing you know, you realize you’ve spent the last ten minutes worrying about whether the cable guy will show up on time– and what you’re going to do if ... Read More