When life is hard, decisions need to be made, and anxiety has you in a choke hold, do you lean into the leadership of your Creator or do you decide to take matters into your own hands? You will never pry the grip of the enemy off your throat without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Category: Be You
God is listening to you. Are you listening to Him?
It’s Time
It’s time to step it up a notch. I’ll be honest– I have no idea what that means, but I felt obligated to tell you anyway. Maybe God just wanted to use me to give you that message.
Jesus Lives Here
“Fair doesn’t live here anymore, but Jesus does.” -Sheila Walsh, Author & Speaker
Longing for God
God created you to long for Him. No amount of heart-shaped chocolates can ever fill the spot that was meant for your Father.
God is Great and God is Good
God is great (mighty, all-powerful, bigger and more capable than you can even imagine!) and God is good (kind). I truly believe that. I hope you do, too.
Intentional Kindness
Feeling down, overwhelmed or anxious? I have a cure for that! Go out of your way to do an intentional “random” act of kindness. It is the perfect medicine for my soul, and it works every time. I bet it’ll work for you, too!
Listen to Him
What we ask of God may be trivial. What He asks of us never is.
It’s Important to God
I’ll be honest… sometimes I ask God for really embarrassing, superficial, trivial things. I’m thankful that if something is important to me, it’s important to Him– no matter how insignificant it may be in the grand scheme of things.
The Big Things & Little Things
I love that God cares about the big things (like your eternal life in heaven) and the little things (like everything not as important as eternal life in heaven) and will meet us wherever we are on the journey to find Him.