The defining moments in your life don’t come from planned events. They come from the things that take you by surprise.

Author: nicole
What’s Your Story?
We each have a story. Your story will either encourage others on their way or be used as a warning on which routes to avoid. Write your story well.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.” -Melody Beattie
Talking to Yourself
Don’t talk yourself into something the Holy Spirit is trying to talk you out of.
God said, “I AM.” Do you believe Him?
What’s Your Role in Fixing the Problem?
Sometimes it’s enough to just whisper, “Help me Jesus.” But sometimes I think we need to stop and figure out what we want Him to do for us and what we need to be doing for ourselves. We have to take a part in fixing the problem– even if that role is to simply draw closer to God.
Kindness Feeds the Soul
Do you ever think to yourself, “I’m always nice to people, but I really don’t have the time, energy, money or (fill-in-the-blank) to go around doing random acts of kindness?”
I used to think that way. I used to think the inconvenience of doing an act of kindness just wouldn’t be worth the reward.
Well, I was wrong. The opportunity to be ... Read More
Have Faith
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” -Hebrews 11:1
Nothing is Impossible
Nothing seems impossible when I remember I serve a God who created everything I see out of nothing.
Love Who God Loves
We are only called to love those whom God loves, but the last time I checked, that was pretty much everybody.