Author: nicole

I wish I could stop eavesdropping. Honestly, I don’t intend to listen in on the conversations around me, but sometimes I feel like it’s unavoidable.

Since eavesdropping falls somewhere along the same lines as gossiping in my book, I find myself either moving away from the people talking or joining in their conversation.

I justify my verbal leap into something that is ... Read More

There are things in our lives that we must hold onto. But there are also things in our lives of which we must let go. Is it time to spring clean your life?

No matter how hard I try, I will never be the mom my kids deserve. Thank God they have a perfect Father.

When the rains come down, the streams rise and the winds blow and beat against your house, you’ll be thankful for a solid foundation. If you’re living life on shaky ground, start laying a new foundation today, brick by brick with each decision you make.

When you’re asking yourself which path to take, ask yourself which option will be more honoring to God. (from Andy Stanley’s “Your Move” sermon series)

If God is asking you to do something, He will give you the tools to get the job done. And in my experience, even if you say ‘no’ He will continue to ask until you come around to His way of thinking. Save yourself some time and heartache and do it His way right away.

Some days I need to pull out the Keep On Keeping On prayer. It goes like this: God, help me to give when I feel like I can give no more. Help me to love when I feel like I can love no more. And please forgive me for needing to pray this prayer. Amen.

Today might just be the perfect day to begin again.

A few years ago, my friend John was driving his brand new minivan when someone barreled into him.

John’s first reaction was anger, but before he even let go of the steering wheel, something else took over: compassion.

Somehow, John knew the man in the truck who had just hit him was hurting. Emotionally hurting.

Instead of getting out of that shiny, now-dented, ... Read More

When I’m not sure what to do, which path to take or where my next step will lead, may I be reminded to lean into God– the One who knows it all.