Author: nicole

What a difference a week makes. Last Thursday, I was on the 35th floor of One World Trade in New York City, feeling on top of the world.

Thanks to my 12 year old daughter’s fundraising efforts, Jordan and I were invited to speak at the Susan G. Komen Partner Summit. She got a standing ovation before she even opened her ... Read More

I remember having two birthday parties as a kid. My family lived on a little farmette with horses, and my dad had a friend who was a clown (doesn’t everyone’s dad have a friend who is a clown?), so when I turned 6 years old, every kid in town came to my house to celebrate. There were yard games and ... Read More

Check out this ecstatic crew! While waiting for The Today Show to start, Jordan was interviewed by Alex on the Plaza for a Sirius XM radio segment! I promised to put her link on my website, so here you go! Every cent of your Cozy for the Cure donation goes to the Komen Foundation to further research ... Read More

If you drive by my home and there’s toilet paper hanging out the window, don’t be alarmed. The Phillips’ household is officially a bachelor pad.

My daughter and I are on our way to New York City to speak at the Susan G. Komen Partner Summit. Apparently, big companies like to know where their charitable donations are going, so once a ... Read More

Life can change in an instant. One moment you’re young and in love and planning a wedding, and the next, you’re sitting in a hospital room trying to decipher medical jargon and test results.

That’s how it went for Aly Cola. In a matter of days, her life was turned upside down. Thanks to a great act of kindness, it has ... Read More

I went to Columbus yesterday for a check-up with my plastic surgeon. It’s been eight weeks since my reconstruction surgery. This was supposed to be an intense decision-making appointment. Instead, it was perhaps the first time in my life that I decided to leave well-enough alone.

My breasts aren’t perfect. They’re a little smaller than I’m used to and I’m still ... Read More

I first started working on TV in Milwaukee, WI when I was 23 years old. I was as green as they come, giving traffic reports and doing feature stories for the morning news. I had no business being on television, but I had the eagerness of youth on my side and a team of people to learn from who were ... Read More

One day, a professor presented his pupils with a pop quiz. As the students filed into the classroom, they saw a piece of paper on each desk, face down.

When everyone was seated, the professor told them to turn over the papers. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot in the center of the sheet. The professor, ... Read More

My dad and I got into a loud disagreement when I went to see him last week. I’d call it a fight, but knowing my dad, he would say it was more of a passionate discussion.

He wasn’t feeling well and (in my opinion) was a little crabby. I was sore and tired from a 10 hour car ride with three ... Read More

Greater philosophers than I have spent eons pondering the elusiveness of time. One of my favorite thoughts is this one:

“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”-Dr. Suess

Saul and I packed up ... Read More