Author: nicole

Have you ever had deja vu? You immediately know you’ve heard those words before… but where?

That happened to me when I stumbled upon this page:

It’s from Philippians 4:4-9, in the New Testament.

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious ... Read More

Walt Disney once said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

That works well for amusement parks, but it also works well in the realm of kindness.

Alicia Stewart is a mom who feels frustrated with the way girls sometimes treat each other. When she saw it happening in her daughter’s second-grade classroom, she decided to put ... Read More

Sometimes I look at a beautiful piece of art and think, How did they do that? How did they create something so emotional from a flat piece of paper and a few shades of blue?

Or I’ll stand in the shadow of a building that was constructed hundreds of years ago and wonder, How did they get those heavy bricks way ... Read More

I remember being 16 years old and begging my dad to let me drive two hours away to a party on a college campus with a guy friend that I went to high school with. It was the beginning of my junior year.

Guess what my dad said?

No way.


I stood in the living room and loudly debated my case with tears ... Read More

I really should have kept a list of all the people who helped me during my battle with breast cancer. It would be filled with the names of family and friends who delivered meals and picked up kids and sent cards.

But it would also be filled with the names of strangers who helped me get through each day after my ... Read More

So I’m probably not supposed to say anything about this yet, but since you keep showing up and reading my stuff, I figure you’re a safe person to share things with.

I’m launching a podcast! Now you don’t have to read my blog while you’re driving!

I’ll give you all the details later this summer, like what it’s called, what it’s about ... Read More

I was standing in the bathroom the other morning with a heavy heart.

The doctor had asked me to come in for some blood tests, so I was up early. This would be no big deal, except that I had cancer a few years ago and so now everything feels like a big deal. Yep, even when it’s not.

So there I ... Read More

One of the great lessons cancer taught me was the importance of getting my thought-life in order.

There are way too many things in this world that could go wrong. If we allow ourselves to think whatever thought pops into our heads, we risk being dragged into a black hole of despair.

But how do we replace those negative thoughts with something ... Read More

My Charlie is back home, snuggled in his bed. At least for the next hour until I wake him up with a loud, rousing rendition of “Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory!”

It’s my favorite get-your-sleepy-butt-out-of-bed song.

I mentioned in my post on Monday that Charlie, my 11 year old son, was on a field trip ... Read More

I sooooo want to be a helicopter parent right now. I want to hover over my child and make sure he’s okay.

Charlie, my 5th grader, is on a bus heading to Gettysburg for a class trip. At least I think he is. I held myself back from continuously circling the block until I actually saw the bus pull away.

I dropped ... Read More