Last Wednesday, I assumed we would spend the summer couch surfing while my husband looked for a job. Silly me. Never assume.
Thursday, the moving van showed up.
Friday, we loaded three kids and a GoldenDoodle into the car with everything we would need for the next three months.
Saturday, we crushed roller coasters at the Mall of America in Minneapolis.
Sunday, we arrived in Aberdeen, SD.
Monday, we bought a house.
Tuesday, we sat in the front row of Saul’s press conference where he was announced as the head men’s basketball coach at Northern State University. (Go Wolves!)

My head is spinning. I’m currently sitting in a posh waiting room at the car dealership in Aberdeen. My husband got into a fight with a fence. The fence won; our bumper lost. It’s okay, they have a cappuccino machine. I am happy.
You know what? I’m not happy. I’m really happy. These past few months have been tough, but you have all prayed us through it and encouraged us and showered us with kindness. My gratitude cup is overflowing.
Here in Aberdeen, God has spoiled us with new friends and a community full of people bursting to help us make this our home. This is a special place.
I’m a little weepy thinking about it all. There were so many days I doubted God’s plan. There were so many days when all I could see was what He was taking from me, unable to comprehend how He could give it all back. If you’re in that spot, have peace, my friend. Sometimes when the ground is shaking it’s because God’s great plan for you is about to be unearthed.