Alicia Henderson was living in Fargo, North Dakota in the high heat of basketball season when her young son began having seizures – as many as 100 seizures a day. Alicia was holding onto hope that a treatment would be found and holding down the fort while her husband, an assistant men’s basketball coach, was on the road with his team.
I can only imagine her level of anxiety, loneliness and all-out fear.
As a coach’s wife, we get a front row seat for the action. When those big games are won, we get to be right smack dab in the middle of the mid-court celebration. It’s awesome!
But life as a coach’s wife is a bit of a roller coaster, because you can’t win them all. And life doesn’t stop and patiently wait until basketball season is over. The cart keeps moving.
You know the one thing that’s consistent day to day, season to season? Kindness. Through the moves, through the losses, through the other family ordeals, kindness is what always sees the coaches’ wives through.
Alicia Henderson and her family have moved south — her husband is now an assistant coach on the South Dakota Jackrabbits staff. Her son’s epilepsy is under control. And Alicia is on a mission to pay back years of kindness.
It’s awesome to see how Alicia is doing that and it’s inspiring to remember that kindness and competition do co-exist.
You can listen to Alicia’s story in Episode 18 of The Kindness Podcast on iTunes, google play, or NPR.