Saul and I are at THE JAMES. Don’t you just love that huge, imposing name? THE JAMES. It’s a cancer center in Columbus and based on the people around here who know about THE JAMES, this clinic has a lot of experience dealing with cancer.
I made the receptionist cry. She had the most beautiful smile and radiant spirit. So I told her so. I told her I could see Jesus shining through her. She looked stunned and then said, “That’s what I pray for every morning before I come to work… that people would see Jesus through me.” After she checked me in, I pulled out a $2 bill I’ve been carrying around for the past several months. I’ve been waiting for the perfect person to give it to. Someone gave it to me and told me Jesus thought I was “too” special. I wanted to pass along the sentiment to someone else. Anyway, when I gave it to the receptionist and told her the story, she started to cry. And then she asked if she could give me a hug. It was a nice start to the day. It sure feels good to be kind to people.
The doctor seems brilliant, the nurses are nice and the number of women sitting in the waiting room in white and pink robes is TOTALLY freaking me out. I don’t feel sorry for myself, but my heart is absolutely breaking for them. I wonder if they feel the same way about me…
Saul and I got a break between my ultrasound and the biopsy, so we headed to a nearby patio restaurant for some fresh air.
Right away, the waiter asked what brought us to town. Saul mumbled something about healthcare, but was very unspecific. Just before bringing our check, the same waiter said, so you guys are here for something at Ohio State’s medical center?
So, because I’m a little naughty, I looked the guy dead in the eyes, smiled brightly and said, “No. I’m at THE JAMES. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Clearly the diagnosis has not affected my appetite.”
The sweet young man got a little misty in his eyes and said, “I’ll pray for you. My aunt just went through it. She’s doing well now though.”
I went on to tell him how God uses every trial as an opportunity to draw us close to Him and how He watches over us and works all things for good.
My waiter tilted his head to the side and said, “Oh! You’re a Christian?”
This is the second time in two weeks someone has asked me that. Yep. I’m a Christian. I love Jesus. And kindness. But not breast cancer. But I’ll deal with it, if it brings me closer to Him.
Saul and I walked out of the restaurant and broke down into a complete fit of laughter. I’m not sure if we were laughing because the waiter was pursuing my medical history like a honey badger or if we were laughing because we just needed to let it all out. Either way, it sure felt good.