Tag: weary

Are you flipping out about life right now? You may be happy to know you’re not alone. I have some teacher friends who will tell you this time of year is wack-a-doodle. Frazzled nerves, to-do lists up the wazoo, and a strange combination of melancholy and glee.

Next, we have the parents who are planning graduation parties for their high school ... Read More

I live in a house. It’s a beautiful house. It’s a house I could never have dreamed of living in when I was a child.

As a kid, I lived in duplexes and apartments. When Saul and I got married, as soon as we could afford it (okay, maybe a little sooner), I insisted on living in a house. I wanted ... Read More

“I don’t know what to do. My life is too stressful. Something’s gotta give. If I quit my job, the stress will be gone, but then I can’t pay my mortgage. Everyone wants something from me. I can’t keep up.”

The woman sat next to me with pleading in her eyes. She wanted me to find a solution for her. She ... Read More