Tag: teens

I was about 11 when I started wearing makeup. Full on, entire lid covered, bright blue metallic eye shadow. My girlfriend and I wore it day and night for three weeks before our jazz dance teacher told us we couldn’t come back to class until we had agreed to a costume change.

After that, I was big into wearing anything I ... Read More

I used to pray, “Please God, make me into the mom these kids deserve.” I had three young, healthy, exuberant kids. They were thriving despite the fact that their mom was floundering.

That was seven years ago.

Today, those kids are (almost) 8, 12 and 14.

God’s done a work in me that only God could do. If I ever doubted His existence, ... Read More

If I get butterflies before speaking in front of one audience, you should see what happens to my stomach when I think about speaking in front of eight audiences. And two radio programs. And one live morning TV show.

I’m prepping for a return visit to Fargo at the end of April. It started out as one invitation to speak about ... Read More