Tag: student

I have never seen so many chill teenagers and nervous adults in my life. I made a snap decision to make my way from Aberdeen, South Dakota to Louisville, Kentucky because my daughter was one of six finalists for the National Speech and Debate Student of the Year. Considering it’s whittled down from like 100,000 kids, it’s sort ... Read More

Sometimes, people don’t realize how big of an impact they’re making. They do something because “it’s the right thing to do” or they brush off their kind act because it seems too simple to even count as kindness.

Perhaps they believe they aren’t making a difference in the long run, but Amanda Klyn, from Corson, S.D., would beg to differ. Here’s ... Read More

Would you rather have 100 casual acquaintances or one special friend?

It’s a no-brainer, right? We all long to have someone special in our lives. But that can be tricky when the world only sees your disabilities.

Ciera Ball is mostly nonverbal, was diagnosed with autism and has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). That can be a tough combination when forming attachments ... Read More

When I think about the very first acts of kindness I can recall, I think about my mom. I remember her teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in our small town. How scary it must have been for her students to move to a new country and not know how to communicate. My mom felt their apprehension and gave ... Read More