Tag: SAD

Some days a girl just doesn’t want to get out of bed. That was me Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday. Luckily it’s Monday and the world seems a bit more bearable.

I am a big believer in doing acts of kindness to get myself out of a funk, so I dug deep in my grey wallet and my ... Read More

I’ve decided I have a heart problem. Yes, I know, most people don’t just “decide” they have a problem with a major organ in their body. They go to a doctor and a medical professional doles out that diagnosis.

Call it “January” or “one too many snow days” or “cabin fever,” but I don’t need a doctor to tell me I ... Read More

I have the flu. Pretty much everyone I’ve talked to in the last few days seems to have it. I wonder if you might have a touch of it too?

It’s not the 24 hour kind or the kind that has you running for the bathroom. No cough or sniffles, but you might find your eyes leaking occasionally.

It’s the kind that ... Read More