Tag: research

What are you doing right this second?

Reading this, right? But really, where is your mind? Are you in the moment, engaged and thinking about each black and white word on the screen?

Or are you wandering?

Research tells us that people are not paying attention to what they’re doing 47% of the time.

Half the time we’re doing something we’re ... Read More

Want a little good news? How about this: You can let go of the anger.

Right here and right now — or whenever it next pops into your body and threatens to explode. You can let go of the anger. It won’t grow in strength and come back to haunt you later if you refuse to express it.

Throughout my life, I’ve ... Read More

Breaking news: Nice guys DON’T finish last. In fact, people who are kind have more success in the workplace and on the home-front! And like the common cold or that nasty flu that’s going around, kindness spreads like a virus!

Several years ago, I wrote an article for my “Kindness is Contagious” column about a documentary film ... Read More

Several years ago, when I was first beginning to write on the topic of kindness, I got a speaking request.

A group wanted me to come and talk about the health benefits of kindness. It seems this should have been right smack dab in my realm of knowledge, but it wasn’t. I knew what kindness had done for me, but I ... Read More