Tag: kindness

I wish I could stop eavesdropping. Honestly, I don’t intend to listen in on the conversations around me, but sometimes I feel like it’s unavoidable.

Since eavesdropping falls somewhere along the same lines as gossiping in my book, I find myself either moving away from the people talking or joining in their conversation.

I justify my verbal leap into something that is ... Read More

A few years ago, my friend John was driving his brand new minivan when someone barreled into him.

John’s first reaction was anger, but before he even let go of the steering wheel, something else took over: compassion.

Somehow, John knew the man in the truck who had just hit him was hurting. Emotionally hurting.

Instead of getting out of that shiny, now-dented, ... Read More

Do you ever think to yourself, “I’m always nice to people, but I really don’t have the time, energy, money or (fill-in-the-blank) to go around doing random acts of kindness?”

I used to think that way. I used to think the inconvenience of doing an act of kindness just wouldn’t be worth the reward.

Well, I was wrong. The opportunity to be ... Read More

They say you shouldn’t borrow trouble from tomorrow, because today has enough worries of its own. I say you shouldn’t borrow trouble from tomorrow, because if trouble comes, so will an angel, who is just waiting for an opportunity to lend a helping hand.

I received two letters recently from people who got to witness the beauty of angels in action.

“I ... Read More

Sometimes I feel small. When I hear about huge problems like human trafficking, child abuse and global hunger, I just feel small. Those problems are like giants, they are huge. What could I possibly do that would even make a drop in the bucket?

Maybe you feel the same way. But what if we all put our one single tiny little ... Read More

My email inbox is usually filled with letters of happiness, but I got one not too long ago that broke my heart.

This poor woman, Hilary, had dealt with loss after loss, and yet she was writing to tell me about all of the kindness she was able to experience through her difficulties.

I read the email to my husband who had ... Read More

Did you know there is a Carrot Cake Day? Yep. It was Feb. 3. There is also Hedgehog Day (not to be confused with Groundhog Day), Homemade Soup Day, and my personal favorite, Gumdrop Day, which happens to be today.

Once you have those on your calendar, I hope you’ll add just one more: Monday is Random Acts of Kindness Day. ... Read More

There is a gas station attached to a coffee shop in north Fargo where I like to write. It’s warm, it smells like java and fresh muffins, and there is just enough background noise to keep me on task.

The other day when I walked in, I noticed a man sitting at a table. He didn’t have anything to eat or ... Read More

I have a strict personal voicemail system. I keep messages on my phone until I make the decision to a) call the person back or b) ignore the person.

Yep, that’s the kindness lady just being honest. Tell me you don’t do the same thing!

There is one message that has been sitting in my voice mailbox since Dec. 5, 2012. Yes, ... Read More

The Christmas cookies are gone. The ham, roast beef or whatever you had for that special dinner is a distant memory. And yet, because donations tend to lag after the holidays, people in our community will go through the rest of this cold winter hungry.

Marv and Nancy Greenberg of Fargo didn’t realize exactly how close that reality would hit home ... Read More