Tag: Jesus

Hope. Someone here needs hope. So … here we go.

Ten years ago today I drank my last rum & coke. Ten years ago tomorrow I woke up sicker than a dog, feeling confused about what had happened the night before, but certain I had angered a whole lot of people. I was humiliated by my actions, ... Read More

It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done. And it’s happening in 45 American minutes.

I am meeting with a woman who is going to unscrew the top of my head and peek inside. (I mean that figuratively, not literally, thank you Jesus.)

I am going to a psychological evaluation.

It’s part of the process to become a pastor. Did I mention I’m starting ... Read More

Super big news! I had my first high school girls’ bible study last night!

I got all kinds of goodies and a few grapes so we could pretend to be healthy. I set out 150 tags and two black Sharpies so I could memorize everyone’s name. I carried every bible of every translation in our house to our living room. This ... Read More

People in church always talk about salvation. Heaven. How someday we’ll get to be with Jesus. I’m a little embarrassed to say it, but those words never sold me on the whole idea of God.

Sure, I suppose I should have cared about my eternal home, but I’m not big into long term planning.

I’m a human and by no stretch of ... Read More

This week’s Memory Verse is super easy to memorize and super difficult to live. Here it is:

“Always be joyful.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NLT)

Three simple words. Close your eyes and say it to yourself. See? You already have it memorized.

But how do we live it? And what does it really even mean?

When a child dies, are we supposed to be joyful? ... Read More

The Bible tells us not to fear something like 365 times— one time for every day of the year. Some theologians argue that’s not exactly true, but it sounds good so I’m going with it.

Actually it doesn’t really matter to me exactly how many times we’ve been told. I’m a mom, so I figure if I’ve said it once, that’s ... Read More

I fail every day. More to the point, I fail Jesus every day. You might think that’s a bad thing, but I don’t.

Why? Two reasons.

First, notice, I didn’t say “I fail people every day.” I do. I snap at my kids and renege on promises. I’m a person just like you’re a person, so I’m messing up all the time. ... Read More

My dad and I got into a loud disagreement when I went to see him last week. I’d call it a fight, but knowing my dad, he would say it was more of a passionate discussion.

He wasn’t feeling well and (in my opinion) was a little crabby. I was sore and tired from a 10 hour car ride with three ... Read More

I am the person advertisers are targeting when they cast miniature horses and cute puppies in their ads. I should not be allowed to watch TV. I’m a total sucker. Don’t believe me? Ask me what I did over the Christmas break.

Dollywood. I threw my family in the car and drove 6+ hours to Dollywood.

It started late last Monday. I ... Read More

I may or may not be having surgery again today. The skin near my mastectomy incision may or may not be dying. The doctor will look at it again today at 10am make a game-time decision. If he deems the skin dead, I’ll be back on the operating table by 1pm.

I hate to be melodramatic, but I am completely freaking ... Read More